I knew when I was pregnant with my first child that I wanted to breastfeed. I read as much as I could about the subject, and it still was not enough for me to feel as though I was fully informed and knew what I was doing. It was so much more difficult than I had anticipated and I was too timid to seek out the help that I needed. As a result, I struggled tremendously and my milk supply dwindled. At 8 weeks postpartum my journey was over.
With my second child I felt like I was much more informed and I was also so much more determined for it to be successful. I reached out and searched for all the information I could find, I looked to message boards and lactation consultants for advice, I did my very best to learn as much about the subject as I possibly could. I was so thankful that I was able to successfully breastfeed my son for 13 months. It was a wonderful experience and one that I am very grateful for.
There were a few things that really helped me my second time around and I thought I would share those here in hopes that they may be of some help to another nursing mother. These things are things that I personally found useful and may not necessarily be what works for someone else.
So here are my top 5 breastfeeding supply picks:
1 - Motherlove Nipple Cream - I found out after my first child that a good nipple cream (for me) is crucial for success in breastfeeding. I never found the "right" cream for me the first time around and it made my experience much more painful. I gave this cream a try with my second and it was absolutely amazing. I was not able to find this cream in stores, so I purchase this directly from Amazon.com.
2 - The Boppy Pillow - This is not something that I would necessarily consider a "necessity" but it is something that helped me both times while nursing. I used this pillow at home for additional support and to bring baby up to my level for nursing. I found it very helpful and it made nursing much more comfortable while at home. It was nice to be able to nurse and sit straight up rather than hunch over and feel uncomfortable.
3 - Disposable Nursing Pads - Nursing pads are very important, especially for a mother who is still establishing her supply. For the first 6 weeks my breasts were fairly unpredictable. If I were to just think about my baby, my breasts would occasionally "let down" unexpectedly (this is normal). These saved me from soaking my shirt on more than a few occasions. I prefer the Lansinoh disposable pads but every nursing mother must choose what works best for them. There are many different types/brands available. Some mothers choose a washable reusable pad, I personally like the disposable pads. To each their own. Finding the pad that works best for you is important.
4 - Thera Pearl 3 in 1 Breast Therapy Pads - I discovered these soon after I had my second child. I knew that I would need something for the first few weeks to aid in my comfort. I had an extremely painful experience nursing my first child, and I wanted to be prepared for that again with my second. I figured anything that could help ease that discomfort, I should try. These pads are great because they can be heated OR cooled and can be used before or after nursing/pumping sessions to help comfort and soothe. I used these after sessions when my breasts would ache, and I used them warm (pop them in the microwave for just a few seconds). You can also use them warm, while pumping, to encourage let down.
5 - Fenugreek - This is not something that every nursing mother will need, but for those with low milk supply issues this can be very helpful. I suffered from a low supply with both of my children. With my first, I had no idea about Fenugreek, with my second I believe this is what was able to help me continue to breastfeed for as long as I did. I started taking this around 8 weeks postpartum with my second child (with my first, 8 weeks was when my milk dried up completely). I took the vitamins daily to assist in maintaining my supply and I nursed on demand and hoped that I would not again dry up. Thankfully, I noticed a great difference after I began taking Fenugreek. My supply did not diminish and over time it was back to where it needed to be. I took these on and off during my 13 months nursing and they helped me maintain my supply. There are other methods a nursing mother can try to build and maintain supply, this is just what worked best for me.
And there you have it! My Breastfeeding top picks!
What are your breastfeeding "essentials"?
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